A carefully curated selection of spellbooks to aid you in your journey of the Craft and understanding the depths of classic and modern Witchcraft. From the Father of Witchcraft - Gerald Gardner to modern Witches like Gaby Herstik, love spellbooks, herbal spellbooks and blank grimoires.
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The Satanic Bible
$25.00 AUD
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The Inner Beauty Bible
$34.00 AUD
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The Devil's Dozen by Gemma Gary
$49.00 AUD
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Under the Witching Tree by Corinne Boyer
$49.00 AUD
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The Crystal Bible
$24.00 AUD
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The Witch's Spellbook (Hardcover)
$27.00 AUD
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Moon Spells
$28.00 AUD
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The Witch's Herbal Apothecary
$38.00 AUD
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Triple Goddess Book of Shadows Journal
$45.00 AUD