Hand woven ethically harvested White Sage cleansing bundle. Available in two sizes (small or large).
Releases negative energies, can be used to cleanse your crystals, sacred space or own aura. White Sage has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties - burning white sage will keep infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi at bay. It clears the air of dust, allergens, mold and of course negative energies. If you are feeling energetically low at the moment, burning some sage and clearing your energetic blockages as well as cleansing the air around you How to use: Place your sage into a fireproof bowl or your shell. Burn a candle, set an intention, and then light the sage using the candle.
Blow it out so the embers are glowing. With both hands, bring the smoke into your heart, over your head and down the front and back body to cleanse yourself.
Starting on the lowest level of your space, move room to room and use your hand or a feather to waft the smoke into all four corners, where the ceiling and walls meet. Then, direct the smoke out through windows and doorways.
♡ Magical properties ♡ White Sage - Sage is a highly magical plant that works in many different realms. It is believed to heal, protect, and cleanse the spirit, soul, emotional body, and mind through its sacred smoke.